Sep 27, 2007


Here we are in the middle of a makeover in the laundry room and innocently I decided to look for a lanudromat nearby. What an illusion.

There are NO self-service laundry rooms in town! I figure that Brazilians are too "lazy" to say the least to do their laundry and then go home and iron it when we can pay someone to wash it and iron it, and delivery it to our door, paying by the kilo.

This means that in the end, I'll spend about R$ 100,00 for someone to do my laundry for this week. That is truly outrageous.

It seems that some of the big hits in the world will never have a chance here. It's just like Kentucky Fried Chicken (but then, Burger King seems to be going pretty well in his fight against McDonald's).

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