Jan 21, 2008

Blue Monday

Just found out that according to a Welsh scientist, today is the saddest day of the year for British people.

Blame it on my deep passion/interest for such people, that's exactly how I feel today.

Lots of things to be done, so little time. And a summer day like this.

Can we say this is a summer sky?

But things easily got better. Thanks to New Order and their Blue Monday.

Jan 8, 2008

back to school

Home is going back into its regular routine with kids back in school.

For a couple of hours everyday, the house is silent. Or at least, without the never-ending playing/enjoying/having fun/fighting we face all the time during kids' school-off-days.

But we still sense they're presence 24X7. Like this.

Jan 6, 2008

walking in somebody else's shoes

When you have kids around, life seems to be a never-ending argument. They either argue with each other, or with you.

But in the middle of everything, there are always those moments when you wanted time to freeze so you could cherish them a little longer.

This is one of those. C's decided to be F, for a while. And said she'd be in his shoes to see how it felt.

Probably not that comfortable...


Funny how kids evolve. With three kids, so different from each other, we've been through so many different phases that one would think we'd better find a notebook to track things down.

This is C in her new phase: pretending to be a teenager.

Her new best friend: Coldplay

Jan 4, 2008

as per your request

Starting with self-portraits. This is F's:

the vacuum cleaner saga

I wanted to be an inventor. Magically solve all issues that afflict my trembling mind.

For starters, I'd create the perfectly silent vacuum cleaner. AFter eight years of faithful work, my old one decided to die on my hands (when I need it the most with my new WHITE kitchen floors).
After three days of research on the net, and visits to 4 different shops, I still questioned: would I rather have a silent thing or another withy incredible power?

Then it hit me, as I live on a very busy street, why would I need the silent one? To hear the phone while I'm vacuuming for instance.

Anyway, in the end, I finally got one that is not THAT loud (and purple)!

Jan 3, 2008

an hourglass glued to the table

Have you ever felt that life was just like that? An hourglass glued to the table? Of course that's a fact. But at the same time, can't we just rewrite things for a change?

This is my commitment for 2008. Rewrite everything that needs to be rewritten, change bad habits, adopt new ones (better ones, as well).

No one said that this is going to be easy, but whatever happens, I'll try. Honestly.

For starters, this is already a change. A new post.


Just a side note, Living in China is written by my sister, who's living in Shanghai since October 10.

Once is not enough

For those of you who were curious, we finally managed to end our renovation in kitchen/bathrooms on December 12. Since we are very optimistic people, we have scheduled a Christmas party here for about 50 people on December 15.

Yeah, you're right, that left us with three (I really mean, 3) short days to get everything done...

OK, I admit the final touches were on Dec 12, but the heavy (read DIRTY, VERY DIRTY) part ended on Dec 8. We even managed to get the Christmas tree up on Dec 9!

Anyway, I promise to include some pictures of our new home very soon.

new year's resolutions

It is that time of the year again when everything seems to be open, and things have a new chance to turn out successfully.

Resolutions include, of course, update this blog at least weekly (see how realistic I am, I was about to write daily).

Also, share more pictures and tips on amazing sites.

Considering that apart from one or two great things and some few people we had a chance to see late in the year, 2007 was not so good. I am sure 2008 will be absolutely GRAND!!!

See y'all